Sunday, May 31, 2009

The M&M Olympics!!!

Carter's Kick-n-Gym Class.

The two big guys are, L to R, Coach Thomas and Coach Kyle....they are so good with the kids!!!

One time Coach Kyle told another of the employees that Carter was the 'coolest kid I've ever met'. PROUD MOMMA, let me tell ya!!! That's something I'll never forget!!!

Carter's Kick-n-Gym has an anual M&M Olympics where all of the classes march in and then show their parents all the things they have learned while they have taken their classes...

I was so surprised to see Carter carrying the sign in for his group!
He did such a great job!!!

Here's Carter's Class...4-7yr olds. As you can clearly see, Carter is the smallest. The boy on the far right is Carter's age but older by about 6 months or so.

After showing us their routines, each child in each class got a trophie and some M&M's and got to stand on the top of the podium so that everyone could cheer for them! This is Carter with Coach Thomas.

Fun pic of Travis!!!

I know I look pregnant in this pic but I'm not...other than that, I thought it was a good pic seeing as how I'm sitting on a squishy mat on the floor almost doubled in half (see previous post). Carter was sooo happy getting to perform for us and getting his first trophy!!!

The videos are too cute and only last a couple of seconds! Sorry that some of them are turned sideways...I couldn't figure out how to rotate them!!!

Push Kick

Jab, Cross, Kick

Oompaloompa (yeah, no clue on the spelling just sound it out and think of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory') and roll. I love how they (the Coaches) just take the boys and slide them to where they need to be! It's so funny!!!

This one is Carter breaking a takes him 4 trys (everyone else did it in two or three) but my little guy never gave up. This was their first time to do this with a board. A couple of weeks ago they did it with 'Ninja Tape' (masking tape).

Friday, May 29, 2009

I'll start with this...

Hello all who read this blog...
Yes, I know it's been a while. The end of school (especially at a new one) is one of the most hecitc times ever and I've been literally exhausted every night when I come home! If there are no other obligations, I am usually fighting to stay awake or just plain not fighting at all. The last thing on my list has been this blog although MANY things to write about have happened. I do plan to catch everyone up on life's mysteries (our lives anyway) during the next couple of days, so forgive me if there are several posts at one time. I dont' want to cram it all into one post so...I'll start with this...

As most all of you know, since my two hip surgeries I have gained a considerable amount of weight... No, you weren't the only one to notice. I faced it everyday. It was a combo of not being able to be active and using food as my comfort. This whole episode has been both mentally and physically exhausting, depressing and just plain stupid. I'm so sick of it!!! ANYWAY, back to my weight (never thought I'd want to ever say that). Knowing that losing weight will probably help my mobility but not being able to move to help get the weight off...see where I'm getting? NOT FUN!!! Anyway, at the school that I'm at, several teachers wanted to start an 'At Work' Weight Watchers program and I thought...what have I got to lose? Ha, ha. Yes, pun intended. I had seen this program work terrifically for a friend of mine (Hey Julie-not friend) and thought 'why not'. The meetings are at work right after school and I'll be working with my support system everyday. So...we started the WW program 6wks ago and I'm happy to say that as of Tuesday the 26th, I've lost 15.4 lbs.!!! I'm extremely proud of myself because it IS hard to do. Especially since I can't get out there and exercise like the rest of them to earn more food points. My knees don't hurt anymore and tho my hip still hurts most of the time, I'm utilizing a rolling walker so that I can walk more. My co-workers have noticed that my 'gate' has gotten better...meaning that I'm walking more balanced than limping. I still have my setbacks with pain but over all I feel that I'm progressing. I know that I look better (it helps when you can put on jeans that you haven't worn in 2 yrs...did that yesterday) and I know that it's much better for my health!

I was going to show you a before and after picture but I really have no good before pics and I'm not in the mood to put on make-up to take an after...maybe at a later date!!!

So, please keep me in your prayers for pain and weight loss and know that I am keeping you in mine!!!