Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dinosaur, the Hermit Crab

We've had hermit crabs for around 4 yrs. now...or has it been 3? I can't remember but anyway, this is the first time one has molted!!! I've read and re-read info on them but was actually kind of nervous about the process...just didn't know what to expect. A couple of weeks ago, Dinosaur got REALLY active! I mean constantly moving, digging, climbing, etc... It's weird for him because he has never changed shells, you hardly ever see him walking around, he wouldn't come out during his bath & it took him forever to get comfortable enough to be out of his shell on you hand. Anyway, I took his activeness as him probably preparing to molt. Today when I went in Carter's room to water his sponge, I saw his exoskeleton. At first I thought he might be dead but as I looked closer, this outer shell is pretty much see-through and I could see a shadow under his yellow shell. Now, I should really move him and his exoskeleton to a different container to keep him safe but I'm afraid the move will disturb him too much and he'll die. I don't know yet what I'll do. He will eventually eat his disposed of outer shell because it has calcium and is really good for him while his new skin is turning hard. I'm not sure how much you'll enjoy the pictures but I thought it was pretty interesting!!!

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