Monday, March 2, 2009

Kind of embarrassing but...

This post is a little more embarrassing/gross than I'd like to admit but I have to tell it. I figure that not too many people read this blog and that the people who do will appreciate the humor. I've never laughed so hard at Carter! Just a little warning before you read on...

Okay, so I was blessed with little moles on my neck that stick out called skin tags. I've had them removed before and really need to do it again...THEY GROW BACK!!! Who ever heard of such a thing? First, you go to the dermatologist and they basically take these little scissors and snip them off...yes, it stings a bit but not too bad. Then you find out that they will grow back...yeah, nice...anyway, Carter, who is noticing EVERYTHING these days, asked a couple of weeks ago what they were. I didn't want to explain skin tags so I just said that they were moles. I thought the subject was closed...little did I know that it was just put in the back of his little mind for future use. I was sitting at the computer last night, writing my blog mind you, and Carter starts climbing up on the side of my chair to...what I thought...get on my lap. Next thing you know he's coming at me with these orange plastic tongs from a Dr.'s kit that he got for his b-day and says, "I need to get dose moles offa dere." I nearly died!!! HE ALMOST HAD MY SKIN IN THOSE THINGS AND WAS READY TO PULL!!! I had NO idea he remembered our talk a while back. After screaming when I figured out what he was doing, I absolutely laughed sooo hard!!! That was THEE funniest thing ever. How many people can say, "My son once tried to pull the skin tags off my neck with plastic tongs." Nice!
I was browsing thru old pics and found this one. It's always been one of my favorites. That's milk on his chin by the way... Never knew that this sweet boy would one day try to disfigure me with plastic tongs...Who would have thought??? oooo...maybe he'll be a dermatologist when he grows up??? You never know!!!

Anyway, I hope that you all found this as funny as I did. If you didn't, sorry you had to read about my moles...I would love to hear any funny stories that relate in the comments section!!!

Love from me!!!

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