Monday, March 9, 2009

One of my hobbies...

Carter went to a rodeo with his Ancy Grandma on Saturday so I was able to do a little of my scrapbooking. Wish I had more time/patience/space to do this more often. I have years of photos that I need to put on a page and my goal is to get them all done before too long...I'm thinking it might take longer than that but who knows. Going thru all the pics, I got to re-live lots of memories that I had put behind me. I did several pages and the ones below are 3 of my favorites. I miss the times that Carter was at my parents house while I worked. My mom did a better job than me raising him. I'm so glad that I had that opportunity. I'm not sure I would have gone back to work if I couldn't have had her watch him. The first one is one of those days a long time ago when Carter tried on GG's scarf. It was just too cute to pass up. The next one is Carter helping Papa with the ice trays...yes, my father actually has that many trays. Don't know why, but he does. Anyway, that was one of Carter's favorite things to do with Papa. He also tried on Papa's sunglasses too. The 3rd sure does bring back memories...Travis and I were on our way home from a late Christmas at my mom and dad's. We missed Christmas because the roads were so bad. Guess we should have put it off for another week. We had been married around 5 months and Travis decided to show me just how slick the roads were. We had been passing cars in the ditches for miles...I should have known then...Anyway, he jerked the steering wheel and we ended up in the ditch on I-35 just before Guthrie. We called a wrecker and we watched him pull 2 or 3 cars out of the ditch before he got to us. While we were waiting, a hi-po pulled up beside us to ask if we were alright. Travis replied, "Yeah, I was just trying to show her how slick it was." Hi-po says, "Really?" Travis says, "Yeah." Hi-po shakes his head and drives off...I should have known...Needless to say, Travis spent his Christmas money from Grandpa on a tow truck...Anyway, we took pictures and I found them yesterday while digging! Hope you enjoy!!!


  1. I'd forgotten about those pictures. Very cute. Thanks for the pleasure of taking care of Carter for three years. I sure miss him being around all the time.

  2. That was a really good blog props to momma!!
