Sunday, November 22, 2009

St. John's Auction Night

I teach at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School which is connected to the Parrish, St. John the Baptist, Catholic Church.....anyway, the parrish has an annual auction that benefits the school. It's our major fundraiser for the year. I didn't get to go last year so this was my first year. It was so fun!!! There was dinner, silent auction, live auction and dancing! I ACTUALLY DANCED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 3 YEARS!!! It was so liberating!!! I'm finally getting better!!! Anyway, at this auction, dinner with the priests went for around $10,000. One set of parents bought their child the honor of principal for the day for around $1500.00. No expense is spared at this place! It was a fun time for Travis and I to get dressed up and go out by ourselves and be with friends. We also had fun bidding on some silent auction stuff too. Each class creates something to put in the silent auction. Carter's 'Extended Day Pre-K' class put their hand prints on this huge serving plate. It was sooo cute, I just had to have it! Travis had his eye on the OSU football signed by Mike Gundy. There were a couple other things but these were the ones we won! I don't have a pic of the Ft. ball 'cause it went straight to the office to be on display. But below is a pic of my wonderful plate! I'm not sure when we'll be able to use it and I have no where to display's huge and heavy, so right now it sits in the middle of the dining room table where we get to see it everyday! Carter's handprint is the blue one on the left-hand side. I'm so glad to have this neat memory and be able to help out the school at the same time!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Singin' Machine!!!

Carter has such a great music teacher this year! Don't know where she came from, but he sure likes her! And he's singing more and more! I'm so excited!!! Finally!!! I asked him which 'specials' teacher he liked the best, he said his PE teacher. I'm a little hurt, but that's okay. He LOVES his mommy and I love having him in class...though I wasn't too sure in the beginning! Here are a few songs that Carter learned in music class and the last one, he learned in his Pre-K class. He loves to sing!!! Yea!!!

"What A Mighty God We Serve"

"Alleluia" (Gotta LOVE the facial expressions!!!)

"Ants In My Pants"

"The Ants Go Marching"

I was so excited to see that he remembered all the dancing for "Ants In My Pants". It goes fast and slow and then we all put our hands up in the air during the high part...then we all sit when "the red one's bite cha". What a proud Momma and teacher!!!