Saturday, March 21, 2009

Another episode in the saga called...My Life...

So...I developed a pain in the top of my foot around last Monday...What a way to start Spring Break!!! No, it wasn't that bad at all. Just felt like a bruise and ran from just before my toes and all the way up to the middle of my shin. I can handle that, I thought. The next day it kind of moved to the side of my foot a little. Now keep in mind that I didn't fall or twist my ankle (I know, surprising, right?). I had NO recollection of hurting myself. Anyway, pain, not so bad... Thursday a little worse but still can walk okay. OOOHHHH, did I forget to mention that this is on my left foot??? MY GOOD LEG...yeah, now you see why a little pain has consumed most of my Spring Break.

I have been soooo careful not to hurt my left leg because I still have to compensate a bit for my right leg. That's why I was so surprised to have any pain at all because I don't remember doing anything to it. Okay, here comes Friday. My whole foot/ankle is swollen. Pain is definitely on the top of my foot, side of my foot and has moved to the inside part of my now I'm freaking out a little. I can still walk fine, it just hurts when I straighten out my ankle/foot and if I leave it down too long. I still have high hopes that this is a freak thing that will go away with time. Yeah, not so much...anyway, get up this morning (Saturday for those of you who have lost track of days like me) and my foot is not as swollen but the pain has escalated a bit and moved to the bottom of my foot as well as the top, shin, side and ankle. I'm really having trouble walking now so I decide that it's time to go to the wonderful P.M. clinic that we have down the street. Now I know that my blogs usually drip with sarcasm (like this one) but that last sentence is totally true. We love the Dr. there, he's really neat!

Anyway, they took xrays and went thru a painful physical examination. He didn't see anything on the xrays but is afraid of a stress fracture. I've been compensating for my right leg with my left for sooo long that I've probably caused a stress fracture. So now, I go back to 2 crutches instead of one and have to wear this beautiful boot for a while. There's not much else I can do because I HAVE to use this foot/leg to get around. All I can say is that God sure must consider me an awfully strong person...mentally I mean. I get that I'm not strong physically...but mentally? Never would have guessed. So, for whoever is reading this, if you wouldn't mind throwing an extra prayer or two my way, I'd appreciate it.

My foot already feels better in this boot because it is forced to stay in position and not move much. But also, Travis is going to be in bed all weekend because his upper back has spasmed so bad that the natural curve of his spine is no longer there because the muscles around that have tightened so much. Yes, he went to the same P.M. clinic last night and is now on muscle relaxers and Lortabs...needless to say, he's useless at the moment. SO...prayer is a much needed commodity at the moment around here. Enjoy the pics below of the boot. I thought about hobbling to the bedroom to get a wonderful bed/sleep shot of Travis but decided that he'd hear me coming and refuse to be my photography subject so all you get is the pun intended...Yeah, I'm really HURTING for funny stuff to say....