Monday, June 1, 2009

Carter Meets Davy...

My friend Julie has a new dog, his name is Davy. We try to get together once a week for dinner and one time Julie brought Davy to meet Me, Carter and then go play in the back with Lexi and Jack... Well, I regret that I didn't get any pics of the dogs all playing together and it's sad to say that Julie's dog is SO MUCH better behaved than Jack-o but I still think they had a good time! Carter on the other hand liked Davy (whom he kept calling Daisy) from a distance. This is what happens when Carter gets on the floor with a big dog while trying to put on a foam dinosaur foot...I laughed so hard and as Julie was trying to get Davy off of Carter I kept telling her not to until I got a good pic!!! I know, bad...but funny!!!

Notice Carter hanging off the arm of the chair...didn't even see that until just now...

My poor babies looking in the back door wondering who our new guest is!!!

Tentatively petting Davy....

Yummy Dinosaur Foot!!!

Ooh...You have a sock in your other hand!!!

Carter preferred to pet Davy when he was fast asleep next to my scrap booking stuff!


  1. What a sweet baby!! I can't believe you wanted to get a good pic while the dog was attacking your son....out of control!!

  2. he is so tiny here! i need to bring him again! he's gotten a little more tame. :) what a great post!

  3. These are soooo funny! I love them!

  4. I'm so used to putting she on everything that I called Davie a she!!! I forgot he is a he!!! I'll change it! Yes!!! Please bring him again. Jacko is a little more tame also! :-)
