Friday, January 23, 2009

Why do I make plans?

Well, I thought I was going to be good and take pics and video Carter at his Kick-n-Gym class this past Tuesday so that I would have something other than my painful experiences at physical therapy to blog about. I managed to take the pics and get a little video...then the camera died. Anyway, I haven't felt good enough (did I mention that PT is painful) this week to spend time doing this so I was going to try to do it tomorrow. I really need to be laying down right now with an ice pack but here I am writing. Why, some of you may ask. Here's your answer...

When we got home from school, there was a package for Carter by the door. He hurriedly opened it and found a nice quilt for him made by Travis' Granny from Texas. What was more interesting to Carter though were the white styrofoam peanuts that they used to pack the quilt in to take up some of the box. I cautioned him to leave them in the box. I said that when the puppy came in later that he might eat them and he would die. I really said that because I wanted him to know how serious I was about not making a mess...was I really thinking about the dog??? No. Just the mess I would have to try and clean up. I proceeded to my room to change out of my uncomfortable 'school clothes' into my wonderful comfy night clothes so that I could relax and try to get my leg into a position where the pain was minimal. As I'm coming back into the living room.....CARTER IS NOW SITTING IN THE BOX OF STYROFOAM PEANUTS!!! Might I ad that not a one is on the floor as I previously asked. I asked him what he was doing and he matter of factly replied, "I'm taking a baff in these". What do you do? He didn't get them out of the box, I didn't think to tell him to not get in the I took pictures and told him he had to stay in the box until I figured out a way to get him out without making a huge mess...he's still in the box as I type. I have no idea!!! They are stuck all over him. I'm at a loss for what to do. I hoped that in re-telling this story that something would come to mind but it hasn't. He's even asked me when he can get out and I just have to say in a little while. Oh well, my problem to deal with! I'll let you know how it turns out! Enjoy the pics below and I'll put up the pics/video of Carter in Kick-n-Gym later!


  1. That's my grandson! Carter's grandma

  2. I'm just catching up with your blogs...they made me laugh
